GOODNIGHT BUBBALA Book Cover / Dial Books for Young Readers 2019

PIPPA'S PASSOVER PLATE Book Cover / Holiday House 2019

MUTT'S PROMISE Book Cover / Dial Books for Young Readers 2016
*starred Kirkus Review
"...The accompanying illustrations are full of charm, adding even more emotion to this delightful story. It’s heartbreaking to see the dogs pictured in their tiny cages, then so wonderful to see them happy and free— and in Luna’s case, adorably dancing on her tiny paws". —by Katherine Powell

Luna and Chief meet Charlie—MUTT'S PROMISE

Luna, Chief and Charlie meet the bear! —MUTT’S PROMISE

CAT IN THE CITY Book Cover / Dial Books for Young Readers 2014
"...stylish spot illustrations are little love letters to the Big Apple that also capture the bohemian bonhomie of Pretty Boy’s circle.—Publisher’s Weekly

George with Roxie and Pretty Boy—CAT IN THE CITY

Cello Man / Dog Park—CAT IN THE CITY

Endpaper's—CAT IN THE CITY

Washington Square after the storm—CAT IN THE CITY

THE STORY OF HANUKKAH / Holiday House 2012
"In her bright acrylic paintings Jill Weber brings to life the story of the Jews and the Maccabees, allowing children to fully experience the environment and perils of the time period. Her patchwork fields tended by farmers and shepherds give way to the majesty of the Temple with its central altar and glowing eternal flame. Weber’s battle scenes are particularly effective in presenting the destruction, fear, and final victory experienced by the Jews. Readers will be cheered by the joy depicted in the faces of the people celebrating the restoration of the Temple and the excitement of families observing Hanukkah today."—Celebrating Picture Books


Temple in Jerusalem—THE STORY OF HANUKKAH

King Antiochus tore down the walls of Jerusalem—THE STORY OF HANUKKAH

THE STORY OF ESTHER / Holiday House 2011
"In vibrant mixed-media paintings, Weber proves once again that she's an excellent match for this unflashy master. Her pictures combine a compositional sophistication with a presentational, almost naïf sense of drama that evokes murals and pageants." —Publisher’s Weekly

Esther combs her hair—THE STORY OF ESTHER

THE STORY OF PASSOVER / Holiday House 2015
"...There’s a lovely counterpoint between his just-the-facts storytelling (“Should I get you someone to help you with the baby?” Miriam asks Pharaoh’s daughter. “Yes,” she replies) and Weber’s often poignant acrylic artwork, which draws on the exuberant palette and stylized, composite perspective of ancient Egyptian painting. In one of many impressive spreads, the fourth and fifth plague are combined (“Animals ran wild. The Egyptians’ cattle became terribly sick and died”) into a kind of “Peaceable Kingdom” gone off the rails, mixing dead cows with a menagerie of creatures in various states of gleeful rapaciousness.” —Publisher’s Weekly

Animals ran wild—THE STORY OF PASSOVER

The Pharaoh made the Jews slaves—THE STORY OF PASSOVER

CHRISTMAS TREE FARM / Holiday House 2006